Friday, March 14, 2008


I don't know why, but I'm extremely low today. I was walking around earlier, and these exact words slid through my brain:

"I wonder what I'll have for lunch today. Life is worthless and I am an empty vessel rotting from the inside out. The shitake mushroom sandwich on sourdough sounds good."

I feel very sad and empty right now.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I wish I knew what to say. I've never even met you and I still worry about you! Are you taking meds? Seeing your therapist?
Hang in there!

Jeff said...

I felt better when I woke up on Saturday. I take my meds every day. The therapist is on vacation; the next appointment is on the 27th.

Anonymous said...

Good, I'm glad. You are in my thoughts. You seem like such a nice guy. I hate it when people I like go through tough times. It so sucks. If ever I can help (though I can't imagine what I could do), let me know. I'll be in NYC this weekend, btw, seeing Spamalot ~ Clay Aiken is in it and I know that you know I love him! You ought to try to catch it. . . that show would cheer you up!

Jeff said...

I saw Avenue Q over the weekend; it helped a bit.

Send me a MySpace message and let me know what your schedule is like.

Anonymous said...

So glad I met you, Jeff. Hope to see you again in April! (delete the other comment. For some reason, it's got my friend's name on it, though she doesn't have a blogspot account).