Thursday, March 06, 2008

Excuses, excuses


"I have to work."

"I have to work on my marriage."


"I don't do boroughs."

"I'm surgically attached to my boyfriend."

"I overslept."

"I'm lazy."

You fuckers had a month's notice. I'm not angry, but just a little hurt. I know it's not personal; it's just how I'm built.


Lena said...


We hate you...a lot.

Jeff said...

Ladies & Gentlemen, the above comment was provided by li'l miss "I don't do boroughs."

See you Sunday, Lena!

Bowie said...

I baby-sat on that saturday from 10am to around 3:30am (Mind you there is a one year old bay in the bunch who doesn't adhere to the sleep when Bowie commands it rule.) After finally getting the baby to sleep at 3:30 am Her waltzes the parents with a few guests, who fill the living room where I was supposed to be sleeping and proceeded to hang around until 5am. Two hours later after no sleep and with nothing pure anger I get my stuff and head out as the sun rises. I wait half an hour in the cold for the train, get home, do my laundry, get some groceries and some breakfast. Got home decided to take a nap that lasted till 2pm. I was running on fumes for the better part of that day. When I slept I crashed. It's no excuse for not being there though. Sorry man.

Jeff said...

See, that I can forgive.

Lena said...

I'm goin' to make for that by buying you cake, though!

See I'm makin' good.