I've gotten in touch with the clinic.
First, there's a phone interview to get a rough idea of how bonkers I am. Then they'll put me on Paxil for 12 weeks. Then there's an evaluation. Depending on how the treatment goes, they'll start doing some cognitive-therapy-something-or-other for free.
I've been going to the gym daily. It's helped to keep my mood up in the mean time.
However, my fingers are still too fat...
(Right-click and save link as)
Yaaaay for you, Jeff! I'm on anti-depressants at the moment too. . hopefully, only temporarily. . . I've never been prone to depression, but I am prone to lots of aches and pains and when you've had them pretty much 24/7 for 5-6 years, it does begin to take its toll.
I've put on weight since my son moved to WA, so I'm going to start excercising too! I'm even going to buy a bicycle this weekend. . .
Good luck to you, Jeff. . . I'm pulling for you!
Keep us posted on the details, Jeff!
Have you ever considered volunteering at a nearby SPCA? I think being surrounded by cute dogs might help out, if only in a minor way. It's definitey therapeutic.
I've thought a lot about it, Lena. The problem is, I'd get too attached.
And yes, doggies would help a bit.
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