Saturday, April 22, 2006

Going away

In order to make my 7:15 AM train to Bumblefuck, I have to pull an all-nighter. There was a screwup when I bought my ticket, and by the time I noticed it, it was too late. I expect to arrive at 11 AM.

It's been months since I've even been awake at those ungodly hours. I summon the power of Red Bull!

While in surgery, the doctors will decide on whether or not to replace just half of Dad's knee, or all of it. Not that it'll make much difference in healing/recovery time. I've spoken to a lot of people who know someone who has had the operation. Recovery takes 4-6 weeks. After that, the patients are much happier with the outcome. That'll be good; Dad's been in pain for a couple years now.

The surgery is scheduled for 8:30 AM Monday. I'm going to the hospital with my folks. I'll be tweaked out a bit, as my sleep schedule will be completely screwed.

Being upstate also means I'll not have any internet access. If anyone needs me, just call.

On the plus side, it's spring instead of winter, and I get to enjoy the trees, and take my dog for walks. And we all know how much I love dogs.

I'll return to this glorious city around 7 PM next Saturday.

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