Thursday, April 06, 2006

Speech writing

As some of you might recall, I'm going to be the Best Man at Carlos & Tara's wedding. I just got the official invitation in the mail today, and then it hit me: I gotta write a speech!

I had thought about it a few months ago after Carlos had first asked me, and considered that since the wedding's in June, I can just think about it for a while.

Now that I've had time to ruminate on just what the hell am I supposed to write, I've come up with a few ideas. A bit of funny, a bit of romance, and a bit of truth. Maybe a bit of cultural spice; Carlos being Puerto Rican & Tara being Irish...

Hmmm...I just got an idea.

1 comment:

Lena said...

It's been a decade since I've been to a wedding.