Sunday, May 13, 2007

Date #2

I met up with the cool, pool-playing veggie Friday night after work (about 9 PM). We got a table at Soho Billiards and played for a couple of hours. We were both having an off-night, still in work mode. She did not kick my ass as quickly as she previously had.

Note: Soho Billiards is re-donk-ulously expensive. Never again.

We walked around for a while in search of decent food. I wasn't hungry, but she was. Once slice of pizza later, and we were wandering through Soho & Little Italy, talking about anything that came to mind.

At 1 AM, we came across this couple arguing in a parking lot. The guy had apparently thrown the woman's cell phone ("brand new, $300") and wallet into a puddle or gutter, and she was less than pleased. She was yelling at him, cursing, shoving him. Somehow, he procured a hammer.

I thought, "oh hell no." I took a few steps closer (they were across the street) to get a better look, put down my bag, and dialed 911.

As I was talking to the operator, an NYPD tow truck stopped in front of me. The officer inside asked me if I was calling it in as she started doing the same. She honked her horn, got out of the truck and got a sense of what was going on. She couldn't do anything without getting hurt, and drove away. Moments later, three squad cars pulled up. One of the six officers drew his gun.

They cuffed the woman, as she was now holding a brick and threatening her most likely ex-friend with it. The couple was separated and calmed. Four of the officers left to respond to another situation elsewhere. Shortly thereafter, we left the scene.

After a bit more walking, we separated, with another strong hug. My internal monologue said "Jeff, this is supposed to be where you kiss her."

Maybe it was exhaustion, maybe I'm just not into her that way. So I didn't listen to my internal monologue.

I walked over to my office to relieve myself, and then back over to the train station. I got home at 3 AM.


Lyman said...

your internal monologue is a very wise man

Anonymous said...

lyman's right. . . listen to your insides! This is all so exciting!

KHM said...

gotta go for it sometimes---take a chance on a kiss; worse thing that could happen? You won't want to do it again...