Saturday, June 25, 2005


I used to work in a print shop just below Canal Street that has a lot of walk-in clientele. Once in a while they'd bring in their dogs, which is the only benefit of working at this place worth mentioning. I don't know what it is, but dogs love me. I'm not complaining; quite the opposite. There was a golden retriever that sat right in the middle of the aisle, stared at me, and let out a quiet "woof." As if to say, "hey, get over here & pet me!" I dropped whatever I was doing and approached it. He stood up & wagged his tail in anticipation. My theory at the time...and still is, "fuck the customers! I have to make the dogs happy!" There was a regular customer who brought in her old German shepherd, who immediately bonded with me. He looked just like my landlady's dog, the only difference was gender. They were absolutely the sweetest dogs ever. Even sweeter than my parents' dog, a black lab they got shortly after I left for college.

The funniest thing that happened was when a woman brought in three of her beagle puppies. They were SOOOOOO cute and excited, each of them climbing over the other, vying for my affection. I said aloud, "If I got this kind of response from women, I'd be SET!" Naturally, everyone at the front counter laughed their ass off.


Bret Taylor said...

No photos?

Jeff said...

Nope, sorry. My phone is without a camera, and I don't bring my digital camera around with me much. Maybe three times a year.